Generating different styles from stylegan

Results of blending various models in stylegan2

Blending of different models in stylegan was first introduced by Justin Pinkney in his post: StyleGAN network blending. The fundamental idea he proposed was swapping layers between two models. A base model trained on any dataset is blended with another model which is fine-tuned on the base model. For blending, few layers from the base model are swapped with the same layers of the fine-tuned model or vice-versa.

This lets one control what type of features one want from each model. Here in the post Ukiyo-e Yourself, Justin swapped higher resolution layers from stylegan2 trained on FFHQ dataset with higher resolution layers from model fine-tuned on Ukiyo-e photos. Here low-level features like pose, eyes, nose and other details are from FFHQ model and high-level features like texture, skin colour is from a fine-tuned model.

After Justin open-sourced his colab notebook to blend different model of stylegan2, people tried many different styles and got interesting results. Here are some of the blended models details with few results.


Here is output of model blended from different resolutions.
First one is from FFHQ model, followed by model blended from 128x128, 32x32 and 4x4 resolution

Lower resolutions layer are taken from model trained on FFHQ while higher resolution layers are from model fine-tuned on Met Faces.

Below are some of the cherry pick results.


Here is output of model blended from different resolutions.
First one is from FFHQ model, followed by model blended from 64x64, 16x16 and 4x4 resolution

Lower resolutions layer are taken from model trained on FFHQ while higher resolution layers are from model fine-tuned on cartoon images.

Below are some of the cherry pick results.

Comic face

  • Dataset: Comic and Monster faces
  • Fine-tuned by: Doron Adler

Here is output of model blended from different resolutions.
First one is from FFHQ model, followed by model blended from 64x64, 16x16 and 4x4 resolution

Lower resolutions layer are taken from model trained on FFHQ while higher resolution layers are from model fine-tuned on comic images.

Below are some of the cherry pick results.


Here is output of model blended from different resolutions.
First one is from FFHQ model, followed by model blended from 128x128, 64x64 and 4x4 resolution

Lower resolutions layer are taken from model trained on FFHQ while higher resolution layers are from model fine-tuned on wikiArt images.

Below are some of the cherry pick results.

Monster Face

Here is output of model blended from different resolutions.
First one is from FFHQ model, followed by model blended from 64x64, 16x16 and 8x8 resolution
Lower resolutions layer are taken from model trained on FFHQ while higher resolution layers are from model fine-tuned on WOWFaces images.

Below are some of the cherry pick results.

Furby Toys

Here is output of model blended from different resolutions.
First one is from FFHQ model, followed by model blended from 256x256, 64x64 and 8x8 resolution
Lower resolutions layer are taken from model trained on FFHQ while higher resolution layers are from model fine-tuned on furby toy images.

Below are some of the cherry pick results.

Will be updating this post once I fine-tune on more datasets. Have a look after a few days.

Some cool results

  • Interpolation of few AI/ML researchers into different styles

Projected image of each resarcher into FFHQ latent space to find the closest latent vector. Obtained vector is then inputed into a blended model of the style domain.

  • Interpolation of few actors and actress into different styles

Projected image of each actor/actress into FFHQ latent space to find the closest latent vector. Obtained vector is then inputed into a blended model of the style domain.

  • Exploration of cartoon latent space with music

Used ‘Culture Shock’ stylegan visualizer with some modifications.


Justin and Doron submitted this idea at Neurips creativity workshop.

Levin Dabhi
Levin Dabhi
Machine Learning Engineer